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基本信息: | 商品规格: |
【商品编号】:K-GPA07 【商品名称】:长条形矽胶巧克力模 【商品产地】:意大利 【生产商】:KEREO 【商品材质】:矽胶 【耐温】:+280°C/-40°C +536°F/-40°F 【用途】:制作长条形巧克力 |
【内模尺寸】:90mm × 30mm × H19mm 【外模尺寸】:290mm × 180mm H21mm 【售卖单位】:张 【产品个数】:15 【预估重量】:800 g |
Manufacturer's Description of "Delicious Snack" Mold: Delicious Snack is the new range of useful silicon moulds. They are created to highlight your creativity, enabling you to test complex sweet or salty recipes too. Under the chocolate covering, you can surprise your customer with different fillings and tasty stuffings. Manufacturer's How-To: Manufacturer's Suggestions for Coating & Filling: |
1 。优越的高温稳定性,可耐高温至摄氏280度。
2 。优越的低温安定性,可抗低温至摄氏零下40度。
3 。优越的抗老化性,可多次使用。
4 。优越的离型特性,容易脱模,不易沾拈。
5 。优越的抗药性,为食用级与医药级器具。